
Macbook hinge cover replacement

Best Feature of Apple's All New 2015 MacBook

With a smidgen of prematurity and even less information, I say the integrated metal hinge is the best feature of the all new MacBook. The graphic below shows that most people who visit this site by way of a search engine (overwhelmingly Google), typically do so after searching for a replacement for their troubled MacBook plastic clutch cover.  

Macbook Pro clutch cover (plastic hinge cover) replacement

The hinge clutch cover is the long black plastic part that covers the mechanical parts by the hinge of your MacBook, or the only plastic part visible to you at the fulcrum of your machine. It's visible from the back when your MacBook is closed and also when it is open at the base of your screen. Over time, the clutch cover can become cracked and eventually even break, exposing some part of the internals of your machine. This typically doesn't affect the operation or functionality of your computer. However, in addition to aesthetics it serves the purpose of keeping dust and other undesirables out of your MacBook.

The clutch cover on my 2011 15 Inch MacBook Pro eventually cracked. I purchased a new clutch cover from amazon for under $17.00 USD, and replaced it in less than an hour.